Joseph’s Funeral

Joseph’s Funeral

Today, we conclude our study of the book of Genesis and this sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” with a final act of forgiveness from mighty Joseph and an act of faith on his part that has echoed in Scripture for several thousand years.

Jacob’s Funeral

Jacob’s Funeral

Today, as we move into week six of our sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” we see one of the clearest pictures of God’s amazing grace in the word of God – Jacob the deceiver, the man who struggled spiritually for most of his journey, finishes amazingly well. And so can we . . . regardless of our backstory.

Jacob’s Blessing

Jacob’s Blessing

Today, as we move into week five of our sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” we read about the legacy of faith – and judgment — that Jacob bestows upon each of his sons as he lays dying on his deathbed. He understands the story of the nation of Israel was only just beginning.

Joseph’s Blessing

Joseph’s Blessing

Today, as we move into week four of our sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” Jacob knows that his life is almost at an end. But, as a great example to God’s children, he does not fear death, and there are few blessings he wants to bestow on his family before the end comes.

Joseph’s Provision

Joseph’s Provision

Today, as we move into week three of our sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” we see Joseph again take center stage in the account. As the famine deepens, Joseph stands as the savior of Egypt and again foreshadows the saving work of Jesus Christ.

Jacob’s Home

Jacob’s Home

Today, as we move into week two of our sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” we see the final fulfillment of the idea of the Great Reversal – Jacob receives Joseph back, back as if from the dead. It’s a moment in which Jacob see clearly the goodness and grace of God. Do we notice such moments or take them for granted?

Jacob’s Journey

Jacob’s Journey

Today, we begin a new sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” and watch as Jacob begins his journey to reunite with Joseph in Egypt. As this journey begins, we see a beautiful display of the faith of Jacob’s forefathers, and a clear indication that he is going to finally – improbably – finish well.

The Dream Fulfilled

The Dream Fulfilled

Today, as we conclude our sermon series, “Joseph’s Restoration,” we get to see the incredible fulfillment of Joseph’s teenage dreams, his restoration to his brothers, and his father’s reaction to the news that he is alive.

The Final Test

The Final Test

Today, as we move into week four of our sermon series, “Joseph’s Restoration,” we see a clear reminder that there can never be restoration between either us and God or us and others until we take personal responsibility for what we have done.

The Royal Welcome

The Royal Welcome

Today, as we move into week three of our sermon series, “Joseph’s Restoration,” we get a reminder that no one – absolutely no one – is beyond the reach of God’s grace and mercy as an unlikely hero emerges from Jacob’s sons.

The Family Reunion

The Family Reunion

Today, we continue our sermon series, “Joseph’s Restoration,” and we get our first glimpse at Joseph interacting with his brothers after over twenty years of estrangement. God has positioned things so that Joseph is the only person in the world who can provide for their health and safety.

The Great Reversal

The Great Reversal

Today, we begin a new sermon series, “Joseph’s Restoration,” and we see Joseph’s elevation to the second-in-command in all of Egypt. But we also see clear foreshadowing into the future of the nation of Israel and even the coming Messiah.

The Interpretation

The Interpretation

Today, as we finish our “Betrayed Again” sermon series in Genesis, we begin to see the culmination of all the good God has been working in the background on Joseph’s behalf – Pharaoh suddenly, miraculously requires the services of an imprisoned Jewish slave. Genesis...

The Incarceration

The Incarceration

Today, as we continue our “Betrayed Again” sermon series in Genesis, we follow Joseph into prison. And his story challenges us to never stop trusting in God because, even while he is imprisoned, he conducts himself with wisdom and integrity and rises to a position of authority.

The Accusation

The Accusation

Today, we begin a new sermon series, “Betrayed Again,” as we follow Joseph into slavery in Egypt. When we contrast his conduct in Potiphar’s house with Judah’s sin with Tamar, we see a great playbook on how to flee temptation.

The Fornicator

The Fornicator

As we finish this four-week series, we turn our attention from Joseph for a moment – a moment in which we realize that Jacob’s sons are steeped in wickedness. It is a sobering reminder that the heart of a child is a fragile thing . . . and the world, the flesh, and the devil are powerful enemies.

The Betrayer

The Betrayer

In this week’s message, we see the sibling rivalry between Joseph and his brothers erupt into a murderous plot that eventually settles into enslavement. Joseph’s journey into exile and imprisonment begins – and yet he never doubts God’s goodness. His life is such a challenge to us!

The Dreamer

The Dreamer

We see the first real introduction of Jacob’s son, Joseph, in this message. Almost 25 percent of the book of Genesis pertains to Joseph – perhaps because his life so remarkably foreshadows the life and ministry of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Black Sheep

The Black Sheep

It’s time to look at the life and legacy of Jacob’s estranged brother, Esau. He is certainly much more than a footnote in the book of Genesis. His impact has long been felt among the Middle East and helped shape the future, both good and bad, of the nation of Israel.

Jacob’s Sorrows

Jacob’s Sorrows

Today, as we conclude our “Coming Home” sermon series in Genesis, the difficulties of life and the inevitable for all of us: death. But he also begins to reap in his own family and offspring what his past sexual sin has sown.

Jacob’s Revival

Jacob’s Revival

Today, as we continue our “Coming Home” sermon series in Genesis, we finally see Jacob fully obey God’s call for him to return to his ancestral home and to worship Jehovah God as his father, Isaac, and grandfather, Abraham, had.

Jacob’s Daughter

Jacob’s Daughter

Today, as we continue our “Coming Home” sermon series in Genesis, we are confronted with perhaps the ugliest, most painful, most sinful episode in all of Jacob’s life (and, by the extension, his family). And the lessons for us in our current culture are obvious and equally painful.

Jacob’s Brother

Jacob’s Brother

Today, as we continue our “Coming Home” sermon series in Genesis, we see Jacob reluctantly restored to his older, angry brother, Esau, and we are reminded that God can and does change the hardest of hearts.

Jacob’s Fears

Jacob’s Fears

Today, as we continue our “Coming Home” sermon series in Genesis, we see the most crucial confrontation in Jacob’s life – his wrestling match with God as he prepares to face Esau and his father again. God is determined to change him from the inside out.

Jacob’s Pursuit

Jacob’s Pursuit

Today, we begin a new sermon series, “Coming Home,” as we follow Jacob back to the Promised Land. He has obviously added four wives and thirteen children to his camp as he heads back to Canaan, but getting free of Haran (and his past) is not as easy as he had hoped.

Jacob’s Prosperity

Jacob’s Prosperity

As we move further in Genesis 30, we realize that God is still blessing an unworthy Jacob, the inheritor of Abraham’s covenant, even as Jacob continues to struggle with Laban, his greedy, deceptive uncle.