Sarah’s Death

Jan 17, 2016

Glean practical insights and direction from God by studying the book of Genesis and the death of Sarah.

Sarah's Death

by Greg Sykes | Genesis: Abraham's Legacy

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Joseph’s Funeral

Joseph’s Funeral

Today, we conclude our study of the book of Genesis and this sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” with a final act of forgiveness from mighty Joseph and an act of faith on his part that has echoed in Scripture for several thousand years.

Jacob’s Funeral

Jacob’s Funeral

Today, as we move into week six of our sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” we see one of the clearest pictures of God’s amazing grace in the word of God – Jacob the deceiver, the man who struggled spiritually for most of his journey, finishes amazingly well. And so can we . . . regardless of our backstory.

Jacob’s Blessing

Jacob’s Blessing

Today, as we move into week five of our sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” we read about the legacy of faith – and judgment — that Jacob bestows upon each of his sons as he lays dying on his deathbed. He understands the story of the nation of Israel was only just beginning.

Joseph’s Blessing

Joseph’s Blessing

Today, as we move into week four of our sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” Jacob knows that his life is almost at an end. But, as a great example to God’s children, he does not fear death, and there are few blessings he wants to bestow on his family before the end comes.

Joseph’s Provision

Joseph’s Provision

Today, as we move into week three of our sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” we see Joseph again take center stage in the account. As the famine deepens, Joseph stands as the savior of Egypt and again foreshadows the saving work of Jesus Christ.

Jacob’s Home

Jacob’s Home

Today, as we move into week two of our sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” we see the final fulfillment of the idea of the Great Reversal – Jacob receives Joseph back, back as if from the dead. It’s a moment in which Jacob see clearly the goodness and grace of God. Do we notice such moments or take them for granted?

Jacob’s Journey

Jacob’s Journey

Today, we begin a new sermon series, “Israel’s Legacy,” and watch as Jacob begins his journey to reunite with Joseph in Egypt. As this journey begins, we see a beautiful display of the faith of Jacob’s forefathers, and a clear indication that he is going to finally – improbably – finish well.

The Dream Fulfilled

The Dream Fulfilled

Today, as we conclude our sermon series, “Joseph’s Restoration,” we get to see the incredible fulfillment of Joseph’s teenage dreams, his restoration to his brothers, and his father’s reaction to the news that he is alive.

The Final Test

The Final Test

Today, as we move into week four of our sermon series, “Joseph’s Restoration,” we see a clear reminder that there can never be restoration between either us and God or us and others until we take personal responsibility for what we have done.

A Final Warning

A Final Warning

In this message, we conclude our series on “The Call for a King,” and we read Samuel’s faithful, final warning to the nation about the dangers of their monarchy, a warning which falls on deaf ears.

Samuel’s Farewell Address

Samuel’s Farewell Address

In this message, we study what we’re calling the farewell address of Samuel. His ministry is fading in light of Saul’s ascension to the kingship – but the nation still needs to heed the wisdom of his words.

Kingdom Renewal

Kingdom Renewal

In this message, we come to the first crisis of the new king’s reign – and we see him lead as man directed by the Spirit of the Lord. And, of course, success follows.

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