The Landing is the 5th-12th grade student ministry for Celebrate Recovery. Our desire is to walk alongside students who are personally struggling or come from struggling families by pointing them towards the healing and hope found in Jesus Christ – and by equipping them with “recovery tools” that will help them deal with current and future issues. All of this happens in a safe environment for our students to “take off the mask”, be real about their struggles, and be around others who have gone through similar situations. Our prayer is that students would learn that they are not alone, freedom actually is possible, healing actually is possible, and that Jesus Christ is the ultimate hope and foundation for their life.


What to expect?

  • Worship, Teaching, Small Group Share, and Hangout time.
  • 5th-12th grade
  • Same Recovery Lessons packaged separately for 5th-8th grade and 9th-12th grade
  • 6:15-8:00pm in the Upper Room
  • Casual attire, or whatever is comfortable