An Invitation to a Great Banquet

An Invitation to a Great Banquet

In this message, we continue our sermon series, “In the Shadow of the Cross,” and Jesus again challenges and stuns the religious leaders of Israel by emphasizing Gentile participation in the Gospel – as well as end times events and the resurrection.

Dining in the Lion’s Den

Dining in the Lion’s Den

In this message, we begin a new sermon series, “In the Shadow of the Cross,” and we certainly see the intensity of Christ’s day-to-day life increasing as He faces the wrath of the Pharisees at a banquet – all while challenging them about their legalism and pride.

Straight Talk

Straight Talk

In this message, as we conclude our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” we see Christ reject speculation about how many will be saved and instead redirect the conversation to the two questions which really matter: how can I be saved and am I saved?

Straighten on the Sabbath

Straighten on the Sabbath

In this message, we continue our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” and we see the end of Christ’s formal teaching ministry in Israel’s synagogues – a cessation sadly triggered by His compassionate healing of a woman who had been crippled for eighteen years.

Repent or Perish

Repent or Perish

In this message, we continue our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” and listen as Jesus responds to the crowds’ demand that He conform to their desires – with another powerful command that they repent and follow Him or prepare to face the judgment.

The Watchful Servant

The Watchful Servant

In this message, we continue our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” and we consider Christ’s instructions on how we should live in these “last days,” the time in which the days are dark and Christ could return for His bride at any time.

How to Be Rich

How to Be Rich

In this message, we continue our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” and we consider Christ’s blunt instruction regarding how we are to see wealth in the light of life’s necessities but the weight of eternity.

The Cure for Hypocrisy

The Cure for Hypocrisy

In this message, we continue our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” and consider Christ’s instructions to His disciples on how to cure hypocrisy. The less you think you need this cure, the closer attention you had better pay!

Religious Hypocrisy

Religious Hypocrisy

In this message, we again see Jesus bluntly addressing an issue which is still prevalent today – especially in the church and the body of Christ: religious hypocrisy.

A Teachable Heart

A Teachable Heart

In this message, we hear one of the most severe rebukes delivered by Christ regarding the crowds – and it’s directed toward those who are hard of heart. In response, we should all be quick to consider whether our hearts are teachable or not to His Word and Spirit.

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

In this message, we consider what we commonly call, “The Lord’s Prayer.” But, in truth, we should refer to it as, “The Disciples’ Prayer,” because it is Christ’s introduction to them regarding how they should pray.

Good Better Best

Good Better Best

In this message, we consider two very familiar Gospel incidents which should push us all to consider the balance between the temporal and the eternal, as well as what is good, better and best in our lives.

Ambassadors of the King

Ambassadors of the King

In this message, we hear some new marching orders for Christ’s extended band of disciples – made all the more important and more timely because He is only a few months from the Cross.

The Direct Route

The Direct Route

In this message, we launch a new sermon series entitled, “Journey to Jerusalem.” Luke’s Gospel has been continually forcing us to answer one question up until now: who is Jesus? But, from this point forward, Christ begins to focus relentlessly on His central task: dying on the Cross to redeem sinful mankind.

Kingdom Greatness

Kingdom Greatness

In this message, as we conclude our sermon series, “Ministry in Galilee,” we see a powerful contrast between the life salvation in Christ makes possible and what life in the here and now, in a fallen world, typically looks like, surrounded by sin, temptation, selfishness and pride.

Who is this Jesus?

Who is this Jesus?

In this message, we are reminded of the ultimate purpose of Luke’s Gospel. This written record is intended to help us answer the same question we will see posed to the disciples in this text: Who is this Jesus?

Purpose and Power

Purpose and Power

In this message, we consider a part of Christ’s personal ministry which we like to forget: not only does He save us and redeem us, but His salvation gives our life purpose. He is our source for authority and direction.

Lost in the Crowd

Lost in the Crowd

In this message, we continue to see the power of Christ, but we’re also forced to ask questions which still plague us: do we trust God’s timing? His sovereignty? His power, even when the clock is ticking and things look bleak?

Freedom From Bondage

Freedom From Bondage

In this message, we consider two powerful pictures – the stilling of the storm and the freeing of a demon-possessed man – which combine to remind us that Jesus has the power to free us from all kinds of fleshly and spiritual bondage.

Let Them Hear

Let Them Hear

In this message, we consider one of Christ’s most famous parables – the parable of the Sower or the Soils. As much as anything, it’s a test of our listening skills or the openness or teachability of our hearts.

A Friend of Sinners

A Friend of Sinners

In this message, we are again reminded that Jesus Christ came to free all of us from our sin – and we are much more likely to find that freedom if we are willing to humble ourselves, die to self-righteousness, and admit our need.

The Perspective from Prison

The Perspective from Prison

In this message, we see a spiritual giant wrestling with doubts and disappointment – a reminder that all of us, in our human frailty, will do the same at one time or another. But, thankfully, we also see how Jesus addresses this struggle in our hearts.

Mission Sunday 2021

Mission Sunday 2021

In this message, we have the privilege of hearing a message from God’s Word from Jay Ham, our Pastor of Global Mobilization.

There Is Always Hope

There Is Always Hope

In this message, we see a historical record of when our God met with real pain so we could all know and understand where God is when we, too, encounter crippling pain and suffering.

Kingdom Values

Kingdom Values

In this message, we again see Christ emphasizing His kingdom values – but this time by explicitly challenging His disciples in how they treat those they come in contact with on a daily basis. Christ’s kingdom values are very practical and personal.

The Call and the Challenge

The Call and the Challenge

In this message, we see Christ’s explicit call of the Twelve Disciples and the clear contrast between the values of His Kingdom and the values of the religious leaders standing opposed to His ministry.

The Lord of the Sabbath

The Lord of the Sabbath

In this message, we see Christ challenging the religious burdens and legalism introduced by the Jewish leaders and teachers of His day. His words and actions will remind us of God’s love and compassion for His children.

Something New

Something New

In this message, we see the continuing conflict between Christ and the religious establishment, and, if anything, we’re forced to see ourselves aligned with the inherently religious and self-righteous opponents of our Savior.

Silent Criticism

Silent Criticism

In this message, we see the enemies of Christ make their first overt appearance in the Gospel of Luke – and we see the battle lines drawn between Biblical Christianity and historic Judaism.