The Dreamer

Jul 31, 2016

We see the first real introduction of Jacob’s son, Joseph, in this message.  Almost 25 percent of the book of Genesis pertains to Joseph – perhaps because his life so remarkably foreshadows the life and ministry of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Genesis 37:1-11

The Dreamer

by Greg Sykes | Genesis: The Family Feud

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Other Sermons from this Series

The Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm

In Jacob and Esau’s most famous conflict, we see the flesh nature of both — and the shattering of a family.

Family Ties

Family Ties

In Jacob and Esau’s most famous conflict, we see the flesh nature of both — and the shattering of a family.

The Family Business

The Family Business

Scripture has little to say about Isaac in comparison to his father and sons, but this is a clear look at how he lived his life and the legacy he left.

Recent Sermons

A Final Warning

A Final Warning

In this message, we conclude our series on “The Call for a King,” and we read Samuel’s faithful, final warning to the nation about the dangers of their monarchy, a warning which falls on deaf ears.

Samuel’s Farewell Address

Samuel’s Farewell Address

In this message, we study what we’re calling the farewell address of Samuel. His ministry is fading in light of Saul’s ascension to the kingship – but the nation still needs to heed the wisdom of his words.

Kingdom Renewal

Kingdom Renewal

In this message, we come to the first crisis of the new king’s reign – and we see him lead as man directed by the Spirit of the Lord. And, of course, success follows.

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